Thursday, November 6, 2014

Grandpa, grab my hand and let's change the world...

I sat in the couch close to my grandpa in the living room of my house, it was around 9 am of a sunny day in Colombia.
Grand pa! Tell me a story of when you were young please
- ok son, come closer and I will tell you a funny story...
That day, was a warm morning full of laughter and good stories. 
I was ten years old, and when I was growing I couldn't see my grandparents very often, so whenever I could see them, I used to grab my grandpa's hand, drag him to the couch and ask him for a story.
Grand pa! Can you tell me the story of when you set on fire that nun's dress??
- oh son, I'm not proud of that story, and I have told you that story already three times.
- please grandpa!! One more time, I wanna hear it again.
-ok son, come closer, I will tell you that story...
Those stories, certainly changed my life.
I could spend hours laughing at his stories. All I wanted to be whenever I grew up, was to be as adventurous as he was.
I always planned on going camping with him. Though, ten years after I have never had a camping trip with my grandpa. However, he have me something more important than a camping trip, he gave me his stories, he gave me his adventurous spirit.
My grandpa is a book full of stories, some of them are true, some of them I don't believe. However, all of his stories are full of adventures. Adventures that changed my life since I was a kid.

When I was 14, I had the crazy idea on my mind that I wanted to change the world. Know, I understand that we shouldn't worry about changing the whole world, we should only worry about changing our lives and inspire people. Thus, everyone will have a better world.

Last night I had a talk with my coach, he showed me the video of the 2014 commencement of graduation day in Texas university.  From that video, I understood that we shouldn't worry about being everyone's hero, instead, we just need to be that swimming coach that changed my life with his inspiring speeches, or that lady in the mail room that Is always happy, or that English teacher that believes in you, or that grandpa that sits besides you and tells you adventurous stories that inspire you.
By giving hope in a speech, by sharing our happiness, by beleiving in others, and by bringing some closer to you and share a story, we all can make this world a better place.

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