Today, I'm laying by the lake of my campus wrapped up in my blanket because is so cold that I can barely use my thumbs to type in my phone. Everything is so beautiful around me, is the perfect combination of colors. The Sky is blue and there is not a single cloud hanging up there, the grass is starting to turn yellow but is still green, and the trees by my side are red, purple and organe.
It is such a beautifull place to be on a Sunday after a tough week of eating the same breakfast every day, swimming every afternoon, doing homework, and then trying to have a social life at night.
However, I can right now think in so many places I would rather be, like my favorite place in the world.
I wish someone in India or in silllicon valley would invent a teletransportation machine soon, so on Sundays I would use it to go to where my heart tries to take me every seven days.
My favorite place in the world doesn't have half of the colors that surround me at this moment, or is at peaceful as the uyuni dessert, or as magnificent as the Taj Mahal, it is just a yellow house, with a red roof, in the middle of two big blue mountains.
I have been in many magic places in different parts of the world. I have been in a magic island in the south of brasil and under the seven colors of the Caribbean Sea. I have seen a sunset in the northern dessert of India, I have seen the full moon flying over Germany, and I have seen billions of starts laying on the white ground of the Uyuni dessert in Bolivia. However, non of those places made me feel how the yellow house, with a red roof, between two big blue mountains makes me feel.
That place has the right balance between mornings, sunsets, smell of coffee, my grandma's hug, and my grandpa's story.
After traveling to some beautiful places I realized that the best place in world, is where your heart is, where you have someone that loves you and someone you love.
After traveling to some beautiful places I realized that the best in the world is that yellow house, with the red roof, in between those two big blue mountains.
That place has the right balance between mornings, sunsets, smell of coffee, my grandma's hug, and my grandpa's story.
After traveling to some beautiful places I realized that the best place in world, is where your heart is, where you have someone that loves you and someone you love.
After traveling to some beautiful places I realized that the best in the world is that yellow house, with the red roof, in between those two big blue mountains.
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