Sunday, October 26, 2014

What I learnt from failure

I am not trying to seem wise in this blog or anything, it is just that yesterday, someone that I care a lot about, told me that I was really bad at something that I thought I was good at doing. I need to confess, it hurt bad my ego, but once I stopped listening to my ego, and started seeing things the way they really were, I started to learn. Stop listening to my ego made me happier. after thinking, I realized that in order for use to become wiser, we need to start accepting failure as essential to the learning process.
Accepting failure means to get rid of our egos, suck up the fact that you fail, move on, and learn from the process. Because see, we feel bad failing because we lack to see the big picture, we don’t see the failure as an opportunity to recognize things that we hadn’t thought about yet; instead, we see failure as something that is going to define us as a person. Failing don’t define us as the person we are, failing is within our nature. When we were learning how to walk, we fail to walk correctly by falling many times, when we were learning how to talk, we failed to speak correctly for a couple of years. Therefore, don’t be ashamed of failing, because failing it’s part of your natural process of learning, we had to fall many times before we learnt how to walk.
We only learn by experimenting. So the next time, you happen to find someone that tells you that you suck at doing something, get rid of your ego, understand failing as a process of recognizing things that you didn’t think on, move one, and start learning from life.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey nice blog Lucas :) sure learning from everything can bring us closer to ourselves.
    I have a question for you: What is it failing or what is a failure in your perspective?
    I think that if you go deeper on that we can find great things :)
