Friday, October 31, 2014

Living life without comma mistakes ","

My past blogs have had many grammar mistakes, specially comma errors. That's not a new thing, I have always had difficulties with the commas "," in my writting. It is not just in English, in Spanish I can't use them either. 
I remember back in second grade when we all were learning to read the commas. The teacher used to bring one book to class and we all used to sit in a circle, read a small paragraph, and rotate the same book over and over. We never finished the book, though, I still remember a lot from it. It was about a kid that saved a whale from dying in the beach. Any ways, whenever was my turn to read a small paragraph from the book, the teacher would remind me to take a deep breath once I see a comma, and then keep going. Sometimes I had to take many deep breaths in a row because the guy who wrote the book liked to describe the scenario of the story a lot. He wrote descriptions of things like the weather, the colors, and the smell of the place. I had many difficulties reading the commas because when I was reading I used to get into the story and start imagining the life of that kid that saved the whale. Even if it was not written on the book, I would imagine his red shoes, the funny way he talked, and what his hair looked like; so, of course I forgot to take deep breaths when I read a comma and the teacher yelled at me a lot because of that.

I have lived my whole life as if my second year old me was reading the book of my life. I have lived my whole life in a rush, imagining things that were not written in the paragraphs, and not reading the commas.
Now, that it realized that, I see the importance if knowing how to use comas. I always tought that living a good life was a matter of intensity, however, living a good life is a matter of reading the commas and enjoying taking deep breaths when you see them. As my friend Abishake says, living a good life is a matter of rhythm, balance, and harmony. 
And that is why the comma exists, to give rythm, balance, and harmony to a book.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I quit swimming....

was the sport which I fell in love with. However, this past summer I started to hate it with all my heart. I couldn't get into the water any more, and whenever I had swim practice I just wanted to run away and escape from it.

I don't really know why I started to hate something I used to love so much that I would wake up happy to get into the cold water at 4:30 a.m, and then go to school. However, I was hating it so much that I wouldn't stop thinking about it the entire day.

I had a big pressure on me, on 2013, I was Colombia's national champion in 50 free and 200 free. On top of that, swimming had given me the opportunity to study abroad and my family was proud of me. There was too many people I couldn't let down by quitting swimming. My mind was going crazy over the summer, in the deepest part of my heart I still was that little kid enjoying swimming competitions, but in the rest of my body I was hating every success, every opportunity, every recognition that swimming had given me at some point of my life. My coach back home was expecting me to win nationals this past summer, my friends were wondering if I was really training hard in Wingate, and my parents... well, I just felt that I needed to please them by supporting me so much.

So there I was in the summer, hating the shit out of what I used to love, standing in front of the block, and waiting to hear my name to step up in the block to swim the 200 free that would qualify me to nationals this past summer. "Swimmers, take your mark, go!" and I jumped into the water thinking that it was going to be my last 200 free of my entire life. I started to cry. With each struck I was moving backwards into my memories of swimming, and started being thankful with what swimming had given me so far. Of course I was so distracted thinking on all of that, and it was a really bad race, I didn't make the cuts, and I didn't qualify to nationals this past summer.

I quit swimming, and I went partying that night.

I believe that you don't find a book, instead the book finds you. And one of the days after I quit swimming, this great book found me.

I read it, and when I turned the last page, I remembered that ever since I once had been national champion, I started losing race after race. And I realized that I had been "losing" against myself. However, it all had been a learning process that had taught me to persist and keep trying. That day, having understood that everything that I had been through with swimming was a learning process, I realized that sports competitions help us to understand ourselves better, and that, should be our only motivation in order to take away our ego which brings along angers and frustrations. And only knowing that the competitions are obstacles that help us reach our biggest potential, therefore know ourselves better, we can then enjoy swimming and be happy doing it.

And from that day, swimming became something deeper than just swimming, from that day, swimming became a way of life that helps me understand myself better.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How is discover that washing the dishes is awesome..

Today, seemed like any other day, I couldn't find anything that surprise me. Today it was hot outside, my knee was hurting, and I had swim practice latter on. Today, I got trapped into the routine, I was  walking like a zombie, with thousands of thoughts in my mind taking me away from the beauty of the present. Today,  everything smelled like shit, and my pants felt uncomfortable. Today, I couldn't find a clean bowl to eat my cereals because I live with 7 other male swimmers that are as lazy as I am to do the dishes.
My day was shitty, and on top of that I had to clean the bowl in which I was going to eat my cereal. Then something wired happened, maybe because of the water of the sink was cold, or maybe the magic of that beautiful moment when you do the dishes from last week, or maybe the two things, mixed woke me up from the zombie mode i had been since the morning. Then, I realized that today is a special day only because everyday should be special. Today is a special day only because is Tuesday, only bacause is October, only bacause is 2014, only bacause we will never repeat this day again in our whole lives... And because of that, we should never stop being surprised with the little things that life shows us everyday, like a sunrise, a sunset or the moon.  
I need to confess that while I'm writing here, I remind my self to be surprised with the little things. Because I'm just a normal guy, who started this pointless blog to improve his English, who gets trapped into the routine, and who forgets that the beauty of life is in small things, in normal things.

So wake up, don't let this day go away without enjoying it's passage, without making some one smile, without getting a step closer to your dreams, without listening to your heart, without telling a nice story, without telling someone special how much you love them.
And if you find happen to have a bad day like the one I was having today, I generously offer my dirty dishes, my sink, and its cold water so you can wake up and start seeing the beautiful things that make life the greates adventure ever!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Today, the sky is blue...

As you read what I write, you can notice two things.
• I have horrible grammar mistakes 
•I have no idea on how to write a blog
Besides that, I'm having trouble putting a title to my posts, so I just looked up and wrote whatever came to my mind. Today the sky is blue, it's a beautifull day. That is my title for today.
Walking to the dinning hall of my university there was a board with a title that said "the board of hope." On the bottom of the board there was a marker, and since the sky is blue today I felt like writting something. 
Without thinking so much, I grabbed the market and wrote "living is about loving your way to death." Honestly, I don't know how I came up with that sentence, it was just the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the word "hope." Because love, in my opinion,is the essence of human beings, is what pushes the human race forward, and is what gives us hope. 
Whenever I feel like overthinking my decision to much, I ask myself, "what would love do in this moment?", and suddenly everything seems more clear, more human, and more simple. 
I don't know why the culture I was born into says that love is a synonym of weakness, for me love is the biggest strength of the human race. Because when everything seems wrong with life, a kid hugging his mom, a couple holding their hands, a smile, and any other kind of love demonstration, give us hope. And hope is what has allowed humans to change the world.
So only for today, love, look up, and enjoy the blue sky...

Sunday, October 26, 2014

What I learnt from failure

I am not trying to seem wise in this blog or anything, it is just that yesterday, someone that I care a lot about, told me that I was really bad at something that I thought I was good at doing. I need to confess, it hurt bad my ego, but once I stopped listening to my ego, and started seeing things the way they really were, I started to learn. Stop listening to my ego made me happier. after thinking, I realized that in order for use to become wiser, we need to start accepting failure as essential to the learning process.
Accepting failure means to get rid of our egos, suck up the fact that you fail, move on, and learn from the process. Because see, we feel bad failing because we lack to see the big picture, we don’t see the failure as an opportunity to recognize things that we hadn’t thought about yet; instead, we see failure as something that is going to define us as a person. Failing don’t define us as the person we are, failing is within our nature. When we were learning how to walk, we fail to walk correctly by falling many times, when we were learning how to talk, we failed to speak correctly for a couple of years. Therefore, don’t be ashamed of failing, because failing it’s part of your natural process of learning, we had to fall many times before we learnt how to walk.
We only learn by experimenting. So the next time, you happen to find someone that tells you that you suck at doing something, get rid of your ego, understand failing as a process of recognizing things that you didn’t think on, move one, and start learning from life.  

Friday, October 24, 2014

First post, why I'm starting a blog

This is a pointless, easy going, and completely honest blog to know my self better and share the experience with everyone.